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  • Acció per la República is a nationwide, political organization. Our party has a government vocation, now and when the country that we want becomes a reality.
  • We are women and men of varied ideology, whether progressive, democratic or republican, and we commit ourselves to fight and work untiringly until independence of the country is reached, and to implement the Republic which was declared on October 27th, 2017.
  • October 1st is our legacy, and so we take its mandate. Just like October 3rd national strike. We believe that persisting in social mobilization, non-violent struggle and unity of the independentist movement is a must.
  • We believe in democracy and participation, in transparency and accountability, and our party is orchestrated based on these criteria. We believe in governance from the primary republican values ​​of freedom, equality and fraternity.
  • We are firmly convinced that as long as remaining united, we will achieve further goals. Enthusiasm, hard work and the collective effort of people who wants to be free will lead us to create the suitable conditions to implement the Republic of Catalonia. We believe that politics is built from bottom up, but also that politicians are required to provide true answers to true problems.
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